Sure but how many of those comments aren't just a pile of shit that no one reads cause they didn't get in fast enough?
There's a bunch of roaving gangs. Just have to learn not to unnecessarily interact with tthem.
Watching the front page now is pretty unhinged. It's all controlled outrage, same arguments and click bait titles I've seen 1000 times before.
Yeah, reddit definitely wouldn't allow me to sprinkle politics everywhere I go like lemmy does. I think that's partially a result of low engagement and trying to build viewer base, though. Once the satellite communities can kind of survive on their own they will start purging that shit.
I have adhd so I just post trying to get engagement. I like to have 100 different distractions that I can engage with if I get bored.
There was a true golden age where the technology for ads was so shitty and the companies didn't even know what they were worth somewhere between 2006-2010. I remember those days where no one was selling me shit besides my dealer.
I like how you never let a good question go to waste.
It's about 10 years too late to make fun of someone for liking crocs. This is just white people culture now.
Like before you put them on?
Like heaven