And if road infrastructure is neglected, then anything larger than a person can't easily move in or out of the city. So, you need to invest in both. Buses, freeways, and in a very urban area, rail.
So now people who don't want to ride a bus are "reactionaries?"
I totally agree, and we should be spending on public transit. But going to people and telling them that it is going to be a matter of public policy that they shouldn't be driving?
I would contend that while promoting densification is wise, allowing people to live where they want us also wise.
Which is why the smart decision is to invest in both.
Besides, if you add an HOV lane to a public highway, you can double it as a bus lane, improving public transit. Roads are like rails for buses, after all.
Which is why you do both. There's lots of reasons people sometimes don't use public transit. Refusing to modernize highway infrastructure will kill local industry and punish people whose commutes are inevitably not adequately covered by public transit because they fall outside the planning of the planners.
My wife worked a job in a city 20 minutes by car from her location in another city, in a major metro area. Transit would have taken two hours because the focus was on bringing people to different locations, not between where she was going and where she needed to go. No matter how well planned the network, you can't massively cover every route and every time of day. You cover the primary commutes of most people.
Yeah, you didn't read what I wrote, you just chose to be an arrogant ass. Fucking hell, you people are dickheads.