The kool-aid is laced, kid. You should put it down.
AI trained on plagiarized art created by real humans who were not compensated for work that AI companies are now making money on.
Aka stealing
Bro, I got bad news for you, coming straight from Alberta...
Practical Engineering - in depth presentations of civil engineering feats, concepts, problems, solutions
Joe Scott - just simple, entertaining discussions of interesting topics
Philosophy Tube - longer format, intensely well-cited presentations on philosophy related to current events (with theatrical costumes!)
Ryan Hall - who knew that a weather forecast could be so fun? Regularly updated weather forecasts for the entire United States with detailed coverage and livestreams of events like tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, and large snowstorms. With charity drives to provide supplies to people on the ground
PBS Spacetime, PBS Eons, all the PBS channels really
Plainly Difficult - consistent quality, often hilarious presentations of various disasters. I particularly like his entire series on radiological accidents, often involving lost radioactive sources that random members of the public stumble onto, which is terrifying.
It's almost like people in the United States have the freedom to express their opinions on a matter. Imagine that!
Why are there so many Mexicos?? The Mexicos are multiplying, you guys. We're about to be overrun.
Gubbins is a fun, new kind of word game.
Nonogram is a fun puzzle game.
This was very much my experience with the trans girl I grew up with 35 years ago. From the instant she was able to express preferences (I'm talking like age 18 months to 2 years), it was all princesses and dolls and makeup and trying on mom's high heels. We all just assumed she was a gay boy because we had never heard of a transgender person before.
We encouraged her to just keep that behavior at home because she was bullied mercilessly for appearing to be an effeminate boy. But nothing would stop her; she was completely irrepressible.
When in high school, she told us she was really a girl, it was like the most face-palmingly obvious thing. Of COURSE that's what we'd been seeing her entire life. It just made sense. That's just who she is.
MY PEOPLE. God she's amazing.
Naomi from The Expanse. Hence my username, if you know you know. Fleeing from a relationship with a narcissist landed me where I am now in my life, so I feel that episode (called Hard Vacuum).
Book of Eli (2010) with Denzel Washington is my favorite post-apocalyptic movie.
Not me, but two people I knew.
The first was an exchange student from Ecuador who attended my high school. She actually cried. The other time she told me she cried was when she started dreaming in English instead of Spanish.
The second was a girl I knew in college who had moved up from Florida to attend Ohio State. The first snow that year was that dry snow that blows around, but there was enough of it that everything was covered.
Walking back to our dorm, she kept gathering up handfuls, trying to make a snowball, and she asked if we could make a snowman. We told her it wouldn't work because this is not snowman snow, and she was mystified. "There's snowman snow??"
First time we had that good, heavy, wet, sticky snow, we took her out and made a 7-foot-tall snowman haha