before i clicked this notification i thought for sure your comment was in response to my homemade nutrients recipe i posted this morning
is it infuriating because you have different tastes or does he link premium stuff you have to pay for
slightly pushing back
he is holding a gun
thats exactly where i got the photo from so what are you trying to say
if that were true then explain this photo i found
how deep does this go how can we know that the "real" real estate guy didnt send in a REALER real estate guy
oh i thought trump himself was the real estate guy
funny because i heard it had to do with a real estate guy and i saw a picture of trump with a gun in a desert so explain that
i wonder if trump is aware of the environmental impact of this kind of behavior because if he keeps this up hes going to need new tires very soon
no thanks i wont be using your elitist nonsense those little dots are made up and useless and a clear marker of government control because you know who used that stuff thats right hillary clinton and also adolf hitler both badguys
which one