What's this 0-100 scale you're using? Just a personal comfort gauge that you're assuming everyone uses? I'm American and it doesn't even make sense to me. 70ish is room temperature, 98 is body temperature, 32 is freezing. That's a really weird scale which doesn't have any nuance to it especially since temperatures reach above 100 or below 0 in a lot of places. Add on that people like different temps and it's really confusing.
For anyone willing to learn, a lot of devices have conversions from F to C. I have about half of my temp reporting equipment split so I can better understand C since all I personally knew was F. It also helps to have the formula in your head and convert it anytime you see F so you'll slowly be comfortable knowing both of them. (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 = Celsius, usually just do / 2 for a simpler time: i.e. 72F - 32 = 40 / 2 = 20C (really 22.222C but it gets you in the ballpark at least). It's even easier to use the formula since 32 is Fahrenheit's freezing temp so just always minus that away and divide by 2.
Like others have said, Fahrenheit is just easier for us because it's what we grew up with and learned. It has nothing to do with the actual system besides personal experience. Thinking the "0-100" is a scale that makes sense when the bottom 3/4 is colder than comfortable room temperature is just being irrational.
I love these types of posts and comments. I get about halfway in to realize I don't know shit about my fellow human beings and how they're navigating/viewing the world. This is one hot glittery pony show of a society circling the sewer drain.