Actually, I bet you could implement that in less. You should be able to legibly get several weights in one line.
Hmm, let me try this.
Edit: Nice! For anyone else, just copy the link from the source of the comment.
Call me when defining it a second time makes it guaranteed false again.
DNA is a programming language
JavaScript no longer has the worst type system, then.
Jury's out on whether brainfuck or general relativity is more tractable.
Oh no, does this include all hypothetical alternate interpretations of the same code? So, you just look at the screen and go "yep, it definitely could mean something"?
Bro needs to go big. Why not all electronics and electronic systems in general? As it is he could still be "caught with his pants down" by another speculative execution bug.
As far as I can tell, the doctrine of the trinity served political rather than logical purposes back when it was put in writing in late antiquity, and since then it's just been the doctrine. If you want to believe, you just have to believe and not think about it too hard, like the video says.
I like the format, though.
Unsafe... for our margins!
What should it be called?
If they can do it, they will. It's ad dollars to them, as good as any others.
Don't let them do it. Buy dumb electronics, or at least smart electronics you can use airgapped.
At the simplest, it takes in a vector of floating-point numbers, multiplies them with other similar vectors (the "weights"), sums each one, applies a RELU* the the result, and then uses those values as a vector for another layer with it's own weights (or gives output). The magic is in the weights.
This operation is a simple matrix-by-vector product followed by pairwise RELU, if you know what that means.
In Haskell, something like:
layer layerInput layerWeights = map relu $ map sum $ map (zipWith (*) layerInput) layerWeights
foldl layer modelInput modelWeights
is [[[Float]]], and so layer has type [Float] -> [[Float]] -> [Float].* RELU:
if i>0 then i else 0
. It could also be another nonlinear function, but RELU is obviously fast and works about as well as anything else. There's interesting theoretical work on certain really weird functions, though.Less simple, it might have a set pattern of zero weights which can be ignored, allowing fast implementation with a bunch of smaller vectors, or have pairwise multiplication steps, like in the Transformer. Aaand that's about it, all the rest is stuff that was figured out by trail and error like encoding, and the math behind how to train the weights. Now you know.
Assuming you use hex values for 32-bit weights, you could write a line with 4 no problem:
wgt35 = [0x1234FCAB, 0x1234FCAB, 0x1234FCAB, 0x1234FCAB];
And, you can sometimes get away with half-precision floats.