
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

VPN and any other encrypted app traffic has telltale signals. You might not be able to decode the content, but you can see who is talking to who, how often, how long, how much data, etc.

My firewall, Palo Alto, and my dns service, Cisco umbrella, has no problem identifying people using VPNs on my networks.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (5 children)

VPN usage is simple to detect. I don’t know how SA deals with it. If it’s like China you may get throttled considerably and “raise flags”

I never had issues with SK but it’s been a minute. I doubt it will be an issue.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 2 days ago (7 children)

SK is a non-issue. I personally wouldn’t step foot in SA though. I don’t think they block vpn but they will ruin your day if they think you’re possibly related to a known objector.

SK would only be an issue if you have reason to believe they would be interested in you for some reason.

[–] [email protected] 53 points 3 days ago (4 children)
[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

That still happens.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

US, Mojave desert, SCE. Got solar and battery right before NEM3.0 and prices jumped. It’s saved me thousands although it will be a few more years before I break even.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago

Eyes I guess. Every once in a while a random stranger will comment on them. Usually cashiers.

“I thought you were an asshole at first but after getting to know you you’re one of the funniest nicest people I know” got that a few times. It’s not really a “stand out“ observation but it’s an odd characteristic. I’m not very proud of it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

I feel like they should have tied this somehow to an existing hotel instead of trying to make a completely new one with such a small number of rooms and high overhead cost.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 6 days ago (3 children)

While I don’t care for Disney entertainment much, I have friends that love everything about Disney. They go nearly every weekend and when you ask them about it they smile the entire time as they talk about it for the next hour. Why would I want to take that away from them?

[–] [email protected] 22 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I'm still watching, but it feels like they didn't bring in people from their parks, hotels, and cruise ships to consult or manage taking the concept from design to execution.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

it's Microsoft. You don't need to edgelord censor yourself.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

They’ve been doing it for years already. There’s bots on Reddit whose purpose is to summarize articles. You can ask off-the-shelf LLMs to have a conversational response to articles today that is indistinguishable from a human response without having a full conversation with the account.


I have an old Brother laser printer that's been doing fine and doesn't need to be replaced, but it only supports USB. Is there a device besides an old computer/laptop that would make it a shared wireless printer that supports windows machines well? I'm pretty sure i could come up with something myself, but i would prefer an off-the-shelf solution that handles updates and bugs without needing any attention from me.

Edit: Raspberry Pi 5 ordered!


Title reads like at ad, but this is a new way to reach energy independence. I actually have a small EcoFlow device and it’s pretty good for the price.

I hope this tech can be made available in the US soon.


With Minnesota repeal, number of states restricting public broadband falls to 16.


I work with a person that went presented with a problem, works through it and arrives at the wrong solution. When I have them show me the steps they took, it seems like they interpret things incorrectly. This isn't a language barrier, and it's not like they aren't reading what someone wrote.

For example, they are working on a product, and needed to wait until the intended recipients of the product were notified by an email that they were going to get it. the person that sent the email to the recipients then forwarded that notification email to this person and said "go ahead and send this to them."

Most people would understand that they are being asked to send the product out. It's a regular process for them.

So he resent the email. He also sent the product, but I'm having a hard time understanding why he thought he was supposed to re-send the email.

I've tried breaking tasks down into smaller steps, writing out the tasks, post-mortem discussion when something doesn't go as planned. What other training or management tasks can I take? Or have I arrived at the "herding kittens" meme?

Exchange Server Roadmap Update (

Next year Windows 10 goes End of Life. Microsoft will undoubtedly push windows 11 hard, but a lot of machines won’t support it leading to a few economic points of interest:

The demand for new machines will be high, driving up cost.

The supply of unsupported machines will be high, driving down the used market.

Are you all ready?


I received the below email recently which continues to kill off VMware products.

Skyline was a telemetry product which would analyze your environment for security and configuration concerns, and allow you to easily pull logs from multiple resources and upload them to a support case in a simple 3-click wizard. They announced recently that they were stopping new customers from enrolling in Skyline, and now they are stating that the log collection function is going away, in addition to features that help manage license status. They have not yet announced that Skyline is getting cancelled, but it's seems pretty obvious.

The blatant money grab is appalling. I actually had some stock in broadcom and sold it shortly after they started announcing these slash and burn tactics for short-term gains. VMware was an amazing product for well over a decade and I look forward to whichever solution manages to fill the gap Broadcom will create over the next 5 years.

We are announcing that on April 30, 2024, VMware will be making several changes to Skyline's functionality and features.

These changes are necessary as part of our vision for the future of self-help issue avoidance and diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware vSphere Foundation as part of VMware by Broadcom.

Feature Changes Assigned Entitlements No Longer Expire Skyline will no longer check for expiration of Entitlement Accounts or Subscriptions. Any active Skyline customer will remain active until further notice. Previously, all active accounts were upgraded to the Select Support feature set in Skyline.

This means that customers will no longer see linking of EAs to Organization, Deactivation or Renewal screens in Skyline Advisor Pro.

End of Technical Guidance (EOTG) / End of General Support (EOGS) Information In Skyline's Inventory detailed view, information is provided about the product's Lifecycle status (e.g. days remaining before reaching EOGS). Skyline will now only display this information for any product released prior to April 30, 2024. Any products released after this date will display "-" only. Log Assist We are enhancing Log assist to integrate with Broadcom Support systems. However, dependent on the migration scheduling, the feature may temporarily be unavailable beginning May 6, 2024. Log Assist functionality will return upon completion.

After the migration, users must log in using the same username as their Broadcom account id to ensure open support cases can be seen when using Log Assist. Users will only be able to see support cases that they opened. There will also be a new field presented called "Party Name", which is another term for Company Name.

Thank you for your patience during this transition period.

Best Regards, VMware Skyline Team


Sev 10!


Reddit was one of the reasons Y Combinator was started. This post tells the story of how the site came to be. Despite being rejected in the first round for their food delivery app idea, Reddit's founders were offered funding after agreeing to work on a project that would eventually become Reddit. The project was launched on a quick schedule. It had a core set of real users after just a few weeks. Reddit is now a fundamentally useful tool that seems almost unkillable.

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