Yeeesh!!! Google Play? They won't be on there long, lmao.
I used Arch for about a decade but I got really tired of babysitting.
Oh, that library causes crashes to such and such app, either downgrade or eat shit until it's updated again
That can be a day,... a week, a month, maybe longer.
Mint is new enough without being too new and it's polished enough without seeming like too much, like Garuda or most flavors of Ubuntu.
I mean, if you're still wanting, it's wanting.
Personally I don't really touch EA or Ubisoft so, I don't miss anything, and even if I was into them, from the looks of things, I wouldn't be missing much.
I went Windows 10 > Linux Mint
I have nothing to complain about. Lateral move in terms of functionality. In terms of general freedom and feeling like I actually own the PC I purchased,... 100% improvement.
Broke my wrist once and had to wipe with the other hand for three months, then I couldn't go back to the other hand.
The cruelty of life.
I used Ublock to block the anti-adblock message, and it worked... so...
Get real, dude. YouTube is all about mass broadcasting to the widest audience available, not reliable playback and a lack of advertisement, not that Dailymotion has either.
Defi crypto users didn't like that.
I wish that failing company would come back!
comes back
They bought the ticket, but don't want the ride for some reason.
Note: very dependent on a recent yt-dlp on your system. Install it manually using yt-dlp from their website and drop it into your path unless you use Arch or something bleeding edge.
Fuckin kill him!