
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 45 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

I think it is also the user they disconnect for piracy tend to pay more. They tend to be more premium customers also why should they enforce what happens on their lines. It is an illegal search and seizure. Let the government get a warrant prove something is illegal then the ISP can disconnect them.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 days ago

Not a big fan of violence nor do I condone it.

But here is some perspective when has something been won without violence?

Almost every nonviolent movement has been paired with a violent/threatening/defender movement. Then when the people in power attacked the nonviolent movement the public started siding with them and change happened because it was either give some of the nonviolent movements wants or the violent movement was going to make things worse.

One of the main reasons any and everything is hard to get off the ground now. Is media, power, and government people have learned to spin all nonviolent movement to be associated with violence or crush them immediately with force then spin it in the news. Also they have learned how to co opt and blame

George Floyd protests had outside aggravators(cia/fbi/cops) then media associates violence or property damage as a part of the cause, combine that with terrible messaging from coopted power structures then power trapped the chance of the law changing and really nothing major came from it. That along with cops beating the ever living shit out of everyone to scare more and more people

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Easy arguement life saving supplies like organ donation or an expert surgeon. Harder argument world leaders like president. I don't agree with that one presidents shouldn't be above us.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

I mean the camera is already there I guess the issue is it being publicly available and people being creeps.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 months ago

My man is on another dishwasher rant. This is the short vid

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Oops typo. Biden has no chance of losing in Delaware why I am voting 3rd party. If I lived in Pennsylvania I would totally vote for him

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

There is a real conversation that needs to be had about how do we drive the democrats left. Biden is not getting my vote. But I live in Delaware where he has no chance of losing*. I will vote green party.

The democrats are courting Republicans and old republican platforms. Joe Biden sounds like George Bush. I didn't hear or remember a single progressive thing in his state of the union but I heard issues driven by republican wants and unions sort of. I hear support but I don't see what Biden is doing. We have Supreme Court cases in line to strip the national labor board and almost all cabinet departments from governing yet I haven't heard a peep from the administration


[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

I am also not qualified to be an engineer despite having it in my title I am more like a data center technician or cable/server installer. Which is more inline with my salary

But give me a couple years with it in my title and tons of learning and a certification I can hit network engineer with 6 figures.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Data Center Engineer now. But I have an associate in electronic engineering from a community College.

2010-2013 Walmart. Started $7.65 an hour Ended $10.60 only reason I got a raise because of minimum raise increases Graduated college 2013-2016 left for a niche small electronics company (laser tag) $10 an hour. Got experience in my degree 2016-2018 left to work for Perdue chicken manufacturering plant 15.10 ended at 15.65 2018-2020 casino started at 15 ended at 15.65 2020-2022 data center for bank started at $24 ended at $26 2022-now data center different bank with a union started at $30 now at $32.30

Most the companies want to give me 3% or less every year one company kept putting off talks of raises. I kept taking more and more responsibility and no one would giving me a decent raise or pay me what I was worth.

I got $8.45 in raises from companies lots of the big chunk amounts came from minimum raise increase and work place adjustments. Every increase that they gave me for a yearly raise was 3% or less. Me leaving to another company got me $16.20 of pay increases.

111% increase from raises and 212% increase from job hopping in the last 14 years

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