
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

I liked "being in the neighborhood" and popping down to a friends house. Now it feels like a have to sign a EULA to hang out :/

There are some benefits like being naked. But now that my Venezuelan friend that doesn't speak English is moving away I'm back to basically not knowing my neighbors again :(

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

My bird requests good night kisses. They make big smacky kiss noise. She doesn't peck though. Just places the top of her beak on my nose and makes the noise.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

If you're American try other countries chocolate. Not something like Cadbury you buy at Walmart, but go to an international grocer or pay for a box of chocolates and have them shipped to you and eat them over the next 3 months. Most American chocolatiers try to mimic Hershey flavor because that's what's most popular.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I help fix people's cars and make them only pay for parts. I have a shit vehicle I can give to them while it happens. I give my neighbors rides. I jump the cars, I air up their tires. I donate to food not bombs, and I feel like I should volunteer there. Feel free to ask for car advice, worst case I say I don't know :)

Depending on how you define good and did it was either listen to a coworkers talk about their inner demons when it comes to being a parent, or I drove an hour to help out a neighbor who asked a few minutes before we started driving.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

"By taking a holistic look at the yearly progression of the Antarctic ozone hole over the last two decades, we find that:

The addition of recent years to the Antarctic (60°S–90°S) total column ozone time series results in insignificant long-term change since the early 2000’s, even where significant recovery has previously been reported. During this time, we find a delay in both the deep ozone hole onset date as well as the breakup date."

Tl:dr if all you're doing is looking at the peak/minimum times of year it can seem better. The hole "breathes" and they're getting delayed.

I work on diesel trucks, they create a lot of N0x. This article talks about how N0x being bad. It's a niche thing but I at least understand why I tend to see these things first.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I do have arguments against all of what you said. But the funniest one is definitely the ozone layer.

You sure you want to say the ozone layer is fine? When was the last time you looked at anything talking about it?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

Pretend an x,y graph

Put a bell curve in it. This will be money
Put one behind it. This will be population.

Now increase money curve and shift it to the right. Push it so far it stops being a bell curve and becomes an exponential curve.

What's the phrase? 1% owns 99% of the wealth? So there is more money in the system, but fewer people have "middle class" money.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (7 children)

There is less war, but that's not always a great indicator. Depending on how you define "war" you could even define Ukraine/Russian war not as a war.

Life expectancy is going up because of 3rd world countries finally catching up. It's going down in America.

The "world" is also getting richer. But the average person is getting poorer.

Also ozone layer isn't doing great, there are race riots still, there is threat of nuclear war with Russia existing in its current state, a lot of rights are threatened and a lot of people want to return to a time before women's suffrage. I haven't looked up anything on infant mortality, but I imagine with abortion band happening that will also change for the worse.

The only peace I've found is action.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Ass on the toilet, face in the tub. I was in the bathroom from around 9pm to 4am.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

(they removed referencing how Comedy is "being choked out")Comedy is making more money than ever. you need to be not vague if you want to be impactful. You know...make a point. I feel like I was just complaining about people virtue signaling without making points. Would you like to try again?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 8 months ago (4 children)

If comedy is being ruined by anyone it is by the group of people who think it's patriotic, or morally praiseworthy to be offensive without a point.

If you're offensive without a point you're just an asshole.

These people have 2 jokes "I identify as" and "let's go Brandon".

Everything else is just going "biden sucks, left sucks, trans people make my pepe hard and I'm confused by it". It isn't "funny" unless you already agree with everything they do. And even then I'd say it isn't a joke just people getting release for being pandered to. Conservative thought porn.

Most jokes are not funny. Most comedians are not funny. I haven't seen anyone who advertises themselves as to the right of Biden make any jokes.

The main problem I think most people have with "conservative humor" isn't the fact it exists, but how aggressive they are in "advertising". It's basically trying to advertise straight porn in a gay night club and then calling everyone there a degenerate and deserve to be killed for not having the same fetish as you. Then after that bad experience they complain that they aren't allowed back into the club. They aren't a free speech warrior, they're pieces of shit complaining that the 1st amendment also means that people don't have to listen to their hate.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

1/3 of 10 is 3.333...

1/3 of 1 is .333...

It's like when people come to America and are surprised when tax isn't included in sale prices. The .0333... you forgot to add on will get you in trouble with the universes math IRS.

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