
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 hours ago

My e-book reader (Tolino).

As I got older and had problems with my eyes, this was a game changer. I had basically stopped reading books and now I do it daily. I can choose the font and letter size, background color, and backlighting based on what works best for my eyes that day and the light where I am.

Being able to hold a very light device with a big screen when I would have to balance a heavy weight as a paper book is also great, and I take the reader with me everywhere, whereas a big book would stay at home most of the time.

The reader has a bigger screen than my phone and the battery lasts longer.

The reader works flawlessly with my library, so I don't have to buy books, which keeps costs down, and I don't have to leave the house to get a new book.

Calibre helps us share books in our family, which is one reason we've stayed away from Amazon's Kindle, so we've all gone to ".epub".

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

As long as they don’t do it on real humans nobody is hurt.

Living out the fantasy of having sex with children (or other harmful sexual practices and fantasies) wit AI or alike can strengthen the wish to actual do it in RL. It can weaken the strength to abstain. If you constantly have fantasies where for example "the child AI wanted it too" then it can desensitize you and making it harder and harder to push that thought aside when in a tempting situation. Instead of replacing the real thing with a fantasy you are preparing for the real thing. Some pedophiles already interpret children's behavior as sexual that isn't at all, but the AI might be told to act in that way and strengthen these beliefs.

This is still something that is and has to be studied more to fully understand it. Of course this is difficult because of the stigma. There might be differences between people who only are attracted to children and ones that are attracted to adults and children and there is just not enough data yet, but even the communities in which pedophiles who do not act on their attraction discuss coping strategies this is heavily discussed and controversial.

If you are interested in the subject a bit more, this is a start:

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Unhinged AI will solve anything human made by getting us killed. That will work very fast because there is no "human made" climate change when there is "no human".

I also hate how they went from "human made climate change does not exist so we can keep everything as it is" to "we can't meet the goals anyway so we can keep everything as it is" and how many people fall for it.

They want to keep their money and power at all cost and at this point I question more and more if we can take it from them peacfully. We have to take it to make a better world possible or even survival possible, because they will not be helpful ever.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

Years ago I had fun with "what if the US never actually went to the moon". I did not believe it, it was just a nice plot idea, we even made a pen & paper oneshot about it. Nowadays I have no whatsoever fun in thought experiments like this, because the real threat of someone believing it to be true. I want to enjoy "birds aren't real" or "giraffes do not exist" or ... the worst is flat earth. It started out as a joke and now idiots try to proof the earth is flat, proof by accident it isn't and then question rather their methods than their belief system. We just can't have nice things.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

An ex-Sony exec said laid-off employees should 'go to the beach for a year' or 'drive an Uber' Lian Kit Wee Sep 11, 2024, 7:15 AM MESZ

Chris Deering Sony Former Sony Entertainment president, Chris Deering, told recently laid-off employees to take a break for a year and wait for opportunities to return. Reuters

Ex-Sony Entertainment president Chris Deering said laid-off employees should take time off. Deering said that he doesn't believe the recent Sony layoffs result from corporate greed. In February, Sony said it would lay off 900 employees from its PlayStation division.

Former Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Chris Deering has a blunt message for recently laid-off game developers: They should "go to the beach for a year" or "drive an Uber" until the job market improves.

Deering, who led Sony's European PlayStation division during the launch of the iconic game console and its successor, PlayStation 2, acknowledged the pain of Sony's recent cuts.

The company said in February it would lay off about 900 people globally and close PlayStation Studios' London studio, amid a slowing gaming market. Deering dismissed the notion that the layoffs were purely driven by corporate motives.

"I don't think it's fair to say that the resulting layoffs have been greed," Deering said on journalist Simon Parkin's "My Perfect Console" podcast. "I always tried to minimize the speed in which we added staff because I always knew there would be a cycle.

Fluctuations in consumer spending and recent games' diminishing sales impact the company's ability to "justify spending the money for the next game," making some staffing cuts inevitable, said Deering.

Deering offered some unconventional advice for game developers affected by the layoffs. He suggested workers take time off or find temporary work, like driving for Uber, while the industry stabilizes.

"It's like the pandemic," Deering told Parkin. "You're going to have to figure out how to get through it, drive an Uber, or whatever. Find a cheap place to live and go to the beach for a year."

His remarks come at a time when layoffs have hit the gaming industry hard.

Other game developers, including Microsoft and Unity, have similarly downsized their studios this year, cutting over 3,000 jobs at the start of the year, BI reported in February.

This series of layoffs in the game industry stemmed from slumping game sales and a shrinking gaming demographic, BI previously reported. Revenue from video game sales in the US in 2023 fell by 2.3% from the previous year, and the average time spent gaming fell from 16.5 hours to 13 hours from 2021 to 2022. Related stories

However, Deering seemed optimistic about the prospects for game developers. He told Parkin that laid-off workers should take advantage of the time off to recharge but keep an eye out for any opportunities to return to the industry.

Game development skill is not going to "be a lifetime of poverty or limitation. It's still where the action is," said Deering.

Deering is currently an advisor for Cudo Ventures, a company specializing in monetization applications.

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Deering did not respond to a request for comment from BI sent outside business hours.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Why this expression? This guy just needs to spent a year homeless on the beach or so, if being fired: It definitely isn't greed on side of the CEO who earns millions for nothing while so many get fired, right? RIGHT?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Not if you have kids or cats or you will be always out of toilet paper.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Also, most all US small to mid sized business transactions are by check.

Why? It is a bank transfer with extra steps. A check can get unreadable, get lost... No one in Germany would write a check for a permit fee or to pay a business partner. You pay online. Fast, safe, can't get lost, easy to proof what, when to whom you have paid for years to come. And the transfer won't get through if you do not have money on your account or are allowed to overdraw, while you can write whatever you want on a check and then run.

It is not cash or check it is bank transfer or check and the bank transfer is the safer, faster option. All they do at a bank is to scan the check and to turn it into the exact same bank transfer it could have been in the first place. All you do is adding a layer of risk by writing on a piece of paper.

I find that really funny, because many Germans still refuse to buy their groceries without cash, many like me do not own a credit card only debit cards, but no one younger than 90 uses a check. I am 58 years old and have never owned checks.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago Crazy Baby - Joan Osborne

It is more "stuck for a lifetime", because this song saved my life and will stay on my "emergency playlist" forever. She sings out of my soul, when depression has me and at the same time sings hope into my soul, if that makes any sense, because it is so hard to describe.

I wish that for every human a song exists that can do that for them!