
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 hour ago

I'm doing my part by writing really shitty foss projects for AI to steal and train on.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

It's non just Facebook either. Every big tech social media platform has headed in this direction of showing you stuff you don't really want to see based on maximizing profit. For-profit social media seems to mostly be doomed to this outcome because it makes more money.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

A restaurant has a sign that says "no shirt no shoes no service". I walk in barefoot and order a burger. They serve me the burger. They had the right to deny me but they served me anyway. The responsibly to enforce their own terms of service is on them. Similarly youtube has the right to deny service to people blocking ads and sometimes does. That does not make ad blocking piracy for all intents and purposes. The onus to enforce their own terms of service is on them. And it would be very easy for them to take more drastic measures but they don't.

I get that you're trying to make an argument that morally it can feel like piracy, but it's just not actually piracy. No copyright was violated. Youtube's TOS doesn't change that.

[–] [email protected] 53 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

Linus wasn't accused of sexually harassing anyone. His company was accused of being a hostile work environment with sexual harassment by a former worker, but the accusations weren't against Linus himself. LTT hired a 3rd party law firm to investigate - LTT said the law firm basically said there wasn't legal liability based on the documentation they could find and LTT used that to absolve themselves and threaten to sue the accuser if she said anything else.

But this was an LTT hired lawfirm and LTT themselves reporting on what the report said - and since it's confidential you kind of just have to take their word that they're accurately reporting the findings. Further there were initially some corroborators of Madison's story who retracted and apologized quickly (assumingly after being threatened with legal action - Aprime is the example). Besides that a lot of the accusations were things that happened in person that wouldn't necessarily leave a digital trail so it's possible even if the 3rd party investigation was completely unbiased that everything Madison said was still true.

In the end believe what you want but it seems slimy enough that I stopped watching.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

It's like a free booth that offers products and says donations welcome. It legally is not stealing if you take a free product and don't give a donation. The enrichment of the creator legally has nothing to do with whether skipping ads is piracy. The creator has the option to stop offering their content for free in the future if they don't like the money they're getting from the amount of people watching the ads.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Creators also get paid for in video ad reads and product placement. Media providers also make money on data collection regardless of the ads you skip. And furthermore advertising prices have always been based an statistics of reach. Companies like youtube have clearer data than the old Nielsen ratings but they've had a pretty accurate numbers of how many users skipped ads through time shifting too that have only gotten better since.

It legally is not piracy in most places. Ethically just watching they are probably making money off of you even if you skip the obvious ads but if you really want to go over the top you could still skip and just find other ways to give money to the platform or creator.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

I'm close to shore on my ship. "Arr FM plays the best shanties" I say as I tune my radio to my favorite station. After listening for 15 minutes, "Not another ad, I hate these." I turn the dial to another station still playing some music for 3 minutes and then start to turn the dial back to Arr FM. Just then a cannonball whizzes across my hand. "Oh no, the HMS Pearl is on my tail" I shriek, but it's too late chain shot has already shredded my sails.

Robert Maynard boards our vessel and puts a sharp sword to my throat. "What say ye in defense you dirty ad-skipping pirate?"

I yell out "But ad-skipping and even ad-blockers are legal! Even the FBI itself suggests using ad-blockers. It's the responsibility of companies that serve free ad-supported media to ensure the efficacy of their ads but there's no legal doctrine that says I can't skip or block ads. Sure it might violate their TOS but they can find ways to block me or make the ads harder to avoid - or even switch to a paid delivery format that is covered by the legal system."

"That's no excuse!" he says as he decapitates me. A just punishment for a obvious pirate trying to squirm out of responsibilities such as I. Don't steal free media kids.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (11 children)

I DVR the game. Later that night I come home to watch. Oh it's commercial time, I guess I'll just fast forward 2 minutes.

Peter pan and tinkerbell float through my window. They capture me and tie me up. They shout at me, "Watching ad-supported media without watching the ads is a crime you monster!" as they hold my eyes open while ad after ad replay on the tv. Crime like this isn't worth it folks.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago (14 children)

I put the local football game on my tv over antenna. Oh a commercial, I guess I'll walk away to take a piss now. The swat team busts down my door. I run for my scabbard to resist but with one peg leg I'm not quick enough. The seas are rough sailing for pirates willing to skip ads mateys.

[–] [email protected] 86 points 1 week ago (12 children)

Probably the sexual harassment one that's when I left. The billet labs stuff was bad too though.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago

It just using mushrooms as a sensor. The mushroom senses light, that causes an electrical response in the mycelium, electronics sense that electric signal and use it as a trigger to perform whatever.

The cool part comes from these living components added to robots having the potential to be better and cheaper than the regular tools we use for the job but unfortunately no sentient mushroom robots to party with yet.

[–] [email protected] 157 points 1 week ago (12 children)

I'd be a fan of a law that companies who drop support of their product would have to release code that lets 3rd parties or users themselves offer alternative support. If you want to fully abandon a product opensource it. If you're a big company that doesn't want to do that release a feature for users to self host before you cut ties. I know it's not a simple thing to do in the current world but if laws mandated it then tech would have no choice but to adapt.

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