Thanks I hate it
If your love letter isn't given in the form of highly obfuscated C, is it really a love letter? I don't know, but what I do know is that I love you! <3
Pronouncing schedule like s-chedule is really fun. Not sure I know of any English words that have those two phonemes next to each other
This whole message reads like “we don’t actually care but we have to say that we do 😉🙂↕️”
I feel like you could game this… my superpower would be making a hit album in a day. I’ll just tell them it took several weeks. Replace album with day trading, writing a comedy set, movie, engineering designs, theoretical physics…
What if you found out that free will is an inherently flawed concept and therefore impossible to conclusively obtain
Why not password protect the keys (ala Linux ssh / gpg symmetric encryption for local storage of PPK)
BuT wE hAvE jOuRnAlIsTiC iNtEgRiTy. AlSo FuCk DaVe SiRoTa
Turbine should connect to loudspeaker to make this a closer system lol
Half the time I look on stack overflow it feels like the answer is irrelevant by todays standards
Nintendo DS pictochat rooms
Oh yeah? Name ONE ape that wrote Shakespeare. Go on I’ll wait