I was thinking something from TST (The Satanic Temple)would get under their skin more. Most I believe are "religious" and a little Satan could probably go further, plus Thanksgiving would be a hoot.
Shirts That Go Hard
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They would do the same to you if they had the ability, unless you're one of them. Good people just ask that you also be good, and do your best. Good people don't expect you to be something you're incapable of being, like a different skin color, or gender, or the same as them. Those that expect those things aren't good, and are hardly people. I will hug you as a sibling regardless of age, gender, orientation, but expect one of my siblings to be something they aren't and we have a fucking problem.
To be clear. Fuck Nazi's. If you believe whites are default better, you deserve to be left behind by the world you fucking caveman. I remember the Nazi's that wanted to harm my family. I have a looooong memory.
FC St. Pauli has better anti-Fascists shirts and I do not want to stoop to the level of a shit neo-Nazi MAGAt.
As badly as I want this shirt, I could never wear it. Live in rural Oklahoma and it would cause nothing but fights. Sigh, oh to live anywhere but here
I live in Ohio and wear it regularly, though I’m getting more nervous about it as the days go on.
But fuck it.
It’d be 100x more effective if you were packing.
What makes you think I’m not! It IS Ohio after all.
(…I’m not 😕)
Oh he is.
Good on you, keep at it as long as you are able, those who are in danger and stuck in the most dangerous places need to see someone sticking up for them the most. ✊
Living in Florida with two youngins, I can't risk it. Some unpermitted asshat will blow me away without so much as a word. My wife has a banned books shirt and an Alt NPS shirt, and I worry. I have some science shirts and a Reading Rainbow (unofficial) books shirt, and I'm just waiting for a confrontation. It's as far as I can risk.
Yeah that feels like capitulation to me.
I get your point and I understand, but that’s literally how they win: by cowing us
How does a wearing a shirt help me beat them? Does it pass legislation? Does it organize protests? Does it unionize or strike?
It sounds like you want me to endanger myself for no good reason instead of doing something meaningful. Give me a break. I'm not cowing. I'm simply not taking unnecessary risks THAT WILL DO NOTHING.
Get armed, it'll make the inevitable confrontation that much more of a teachable moment.
Self defense. Violent views that would not tolerate your very existence don’t qualify for tolerance.
Tolerance requires a mutual respect for each others’ coexistence. It’s kind of right on the label. You don’t have a meeting of the minds with someone whose premise begins and ends with denying that.
I bought the "Doom x John Brown" shirt from their site last year and, as a lifelong Doom fan and anti-confederate, really savor wearing it when I go out.
By punkwithacamera incase anyone's wondering.
Fucking love that shop
I had forgotten the name of this shop and was looking for it, thank you!! Lotta great stuff here
No problem mate :)
Thought it was one of theirs.