Always cardboard boxes for me. Bought 0pastic for quite a while, but in the meantime AI get better quality milk in cardboard for less money than in plastic. And the glass bottles here are just stupid: expensive, single use with deposit. Neither good for the environment, nor for my time resources.
joined 1 year ago
Milk is the only thing I to not buy in plastic bottles.
Thank you so much. Me just stupid.
I think that sounds plain antisemitic...
Yeah, I need it for all folks jot using Signal.
And even better, move to QUIK as it is it's actively maintained successor.
I tried out rethink DNS but I did not manage in any way to just use my VPNs DNS. Would you have a hint how to make it work?
And while they have a sale it gets down to 68 for three years...
I am inclined to say see. But probably just because I bought a three years subscription and need a peace of mind. Sadly their vl8ent is crap but at least wireguard works fine.
I can use them everywhere. Except my whole subway ride...
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This I would sign instantly! Here we have premium organic good for three days "Frischmilch/Vollmilch" milk in cardboard boxes too.